
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Happy, Successful Hunter. Congratulations from Trophy Ridge on Getting a 683 lb. Boar!

Sam with his BIG 683 lbs. boar! This massive beast was taken down with a single well placed shot. Sam's "home-engineered" high tech optic system worked flawlessly! Congratulations from Trophy Ridge Exotics!

Feb. 2014  - More photos & more successful hunters from this past weekend can be seen on our Facebook page.
Sam:  Thanks Trophy Ridge for this great time and opportunity. This was the biggest hog I have ever seen or shot.

"Thank you Gezilla,
For such great hospitality.  You and Mike have an awesome family and are wonderful ranch owners.  I will never forget the beautiful time we all had there, and I look forward to our return.  Thank you for taking such excellent pictures and sending them to us.  The type of hospitality that you all have expressed, sets Trophy Ridge Exotics, aside from any other hunting ranch I have ever visited." 


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Time To Plan Spring Break At Trophy Ridge - March 10th through March 14th, 2014

Now Booking Spring Break Hunting and Family Fun! 

We will be open from March 10 through March 14 to accommodate Father/Mother-Sons/Daughters hunts! 

This is a great opportunity to create memories and spend quality time with you children. 
We welcome entire families to join the fun. 

For the parent-child hunters, we offer a unique opportunity to hunt in one of our traditional stands or from one of our very cool Nature Blinds that looks exactly like a real tree! (see below pictures).

 For the non-hunters and family fun we will have archery range, firearms range, campfires, marshmallow roasting, daytime ranch tours on UTVs and night time UTV tours to spot wild game with hand held flood lights! 

If you want to come with your friends or relatives, no problem, we can easily accommodate multiple families too! Please call to book your Spring Break getaway! Call Gezilla at 281-728-7223.

Mykel Hawke at Trophy Ridge Exotics! March 14, 15 & 16th

We are very excited to announce our partnership with Mykel Hawke, Special Forces Veteran, Survival Expert, Media personality and all around Great Guy! We were able to work around his busy filming and personal appearance schedule to offer a phenomenal course next month. Mykel himself, will be conducting a Primitive Hunting & Survival Weekend Course at our ranch TROPHY RIDGE EXOTICS on March 14, 15 and 16!

This is being offered on a first come first serve basis. Be 1 of only 10 people to participate in this specialty survival course taught by Mykel Hawke at Trophy Ridge Exotics! For all the details click on To reserve your spot, click on the following link and follow the simple instructions.

Captain Mykel Hawke; is a U.S. Army Special Forces Veteran, Green Beret Officer, Survival Instructor, Media Personality in TV and film, and Author of 2 bestselling books. He serves as Co-founder and Director of Specops, an international adventure tourism and training company